Let's visit about MortaliTea...
...because living & dying matter...
Deah Kinion, The Mortality Midwife
End-of-Life Doula, Death Midwife
and Holistic Aging guide
Deah provides support for aspects of living & dying
We’re mortal, let’s talk about it, maybe with a nice cuppa tea. Because living & dying matter. MortaliTea is a resource for increasing awareness & discussion of our mortal lives. Created by Deah Kinion, End of Life Doula (EOLD), she calls herself the Mortality Midwife, which addresses the gamut of living & making friends with death, as a part of life, see list of services below. We facilitate conversations, with people of all ages, to reduce the stigma, fear, & avoidance associated with death. Embracing our mortality, we may increase its transformative power to cultivate love, forgiveness, gratitude and compassion in our daily lives. Deah Kinion is a End of Life Doula, a relatively new, and ancient, offering of presence to the dying. Also known as a Death Midwife, EOLD services offer family centered, non-medical, holistic care, advocacy and support for the dying and their loved ones. Deah offers mortality planning/resources, a holistic approach for a peaceful death, vigil/bedside comfort, legacy planning, and much more. Deah is trained and certified by The Doulagivers® Certified End-Of-Life Doula Training which contains the Approved NEDA (National End of Life Doula Alliance) Core Competencies. Deah Kinion also passed the NEDA exam and was awarded a Proficiency Badge which signifies that a Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Core Competencies have been met. Deah offers an objective and compassionate presence for the individual during their dying experience.
Deah Kinion also offers assistance for after-death body-care, and home-based funeral for your loved-one. Deah is a member of the National Home Funeral Alliance and passed in 2020 the exam for a Home Funeral guide & received her proficiency badge from them, indicating that she has met core competencies for this assistance. She does not provide direct care but leads family to provide this offering to loved one.
Deah Kinion is also an Advance Care Planning trainer, and facilitator. Let's get that paperwork in order! National Healthcare Decision Day is coming, or anytime is the right time! Just do it! All of these offerings can be supported by the Mortality Midwife, living & dying is a spiritual experience. Ask the Holistic Aging guide!
Please follow my FACEBOOK page for
informative & supportive links to stay connected. Thanks!
- Mortality educator/planning
- Advance Care Planning facilitator
- Holistic approach to a peaceful death
- Vigil/bedside comfort
- Mind-body practices, mindfulness meditation
- Support for individual and loved ones
- Guidance for after-death body-care
- Home funeral assistance
- Legacy planning
- Resources/choices
- Advocate for green burial
- Gatherings for conversations
Besides her training as an EOLD, Deah Kinion was a licensed acupuncturist in practice for 32 years, and retired in 2020. She presents on a variety of topics of self-care and Chinese medicine. Deah has been a mindfulness meditation practitioner for 25 years. She may integrate this into an end of life spiritual practice if so desired. Deah is a cancer survivor and has been a regular speaker at Mayo Clinic Cancer Education Center. Her first hospice volunteer training was in Virginia and Ely, MN, in 2003. She has been a hospice volunteer in Rochester. Deah attended MN Threshold Network gatherings in the Twin Cities until 2014 when she co-founded the SE MN Threshold Network in Rochester. Hospice and palliative care are valuable and can work together with an EOLD, also called a Death Doula or Death Midwife. Call for more information. Please visit our Facebook page for additional resources.
Deah offers classes through Rochester Adult Community Education, and for individuals or groups.
Fri Oct 4 - Sun Oct 6th, 2024
Women & Spirituality Conference
Rochester, MN (live &/or zoom)
Deah Kinion presents: What Really Matters? Share a Cup of MortaliTea, & Explore Spiritual Urgency (details HERE)
Sun Oct 6 at 11 AM
What makes life worth living? What is your purpose? We’ll take time to look at our lives’ purpose, goals, values, find & cultivate meaning and what really matters. Are we living our authentic life? How does spiritual urgency fit in? Are we ready to die content and prepared, no matter when death takes us? Deah will share the story of the Four Messengers which led to clarity and inner freedom for the Buddha. We will review insights & practices from Stephen Levine’s book ‘A Year to Live.’
Wed Nov 13, 2024, 6:30 PM
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters. More and more choices are available as baby-boomers blaze a trail in the new dying movement. MN families now have increased choices since legislation was passed in 2010. Discover alternatives to the commercial funeral, and how to care for loved ones with an open heart and minimal environmental impact.
FREE. Register HERE with Roch Community Educ
Sat Sept 23 & Sun Sept 24, 2023
Women & Spirituality Conference
Rochester, MN (live &/or zoom)
Deah Kinion presents: The Wisdom of Holistic Aging, Sat 9/24, 12:30-2 pm.
We are all aging, even as society celebrates youth, busyness, and accomplishments. We do not want to think about slowing down, emptiness, or dying. Yet, what if we contemplate & embrace our mortality? Aging and dying can be a spiritual practice and a transformative power to cultivate love, forgiveness and compassion. How might I prepare for end of life for myself and my loved ones?
and The Heart of Nature; Grief, Healing & Release, Sun 9/25, 2:30-4 pm
Make Your Health Care Decision;
Learn Why it’s So Important
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is a nationwide initiative that happens every April to encourage adults to plan in case of a health emergency. Learn why Advance Care Planning is important. Class includes completing an Advance/Healthcare Directive (also known as a living will) and appointing a healthcare power of attorney (someone to make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself). Then, most importantly, share your decisions with your family and loved ones.
Transforming Grief & Loss;
Tips for the Holidaze
Sat Dec 9, 2023, 1 - 2:30 PM
Difficult times can become transformative. Join us to learn effective and meaningful Tips & Rituals to balance holiday Grief. All are welcome. Simple Soaps for Simple Folks, in Byron, MN (near Rochester)
Featuring Deah Kinion, Holistic Aging guide, EOL Doula. MortaliTea.com offers resources for our mortal lives, including community conversations, and Barbara Krause, Death Midwife, facilitator, guide, author - Sacred Bonds Series: Seeking Light, Gathering Light, Becoming Light www.inthethickofthings.com
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters. More and more choices are available as baby-boomers blaze a trail in the new dying movement. MN families now have increased choices since legislation was passed in 2010. Discover alternatives to the commercial funeral, and how to care for loved ones with an open heart and minimal environmental impact.
FREE. Register HERE with Roch Community Educ
Tue Dec 5, 2023, 6:30 PM
Death & end of life is overmedicalized, according to the Lancet report on The Value of Death, which we will review. Holistic Aging guides are filling the gap, and reshaping aging & end-of-life offering advocacy and care for those aging and in the last days of life. A HA guide can anticipate physical, emotional, & spiritual issues; recognize dying as part of the normal process of living, and focus on quality of life for individuals and family. Holistic Aging guides may assist in finding meaning, creating legacy projects, and planning for how the last days will unfold.
Wed March 13, 2024, 6:30-8 PM
Holistic Aging and Mortality
Register HERE
As presented to the Women & Spirituality conference last Sept, Deah offers this popular class again. We’ll discuss wellness promotion and healthy living, & look at the missing pieces of holistic aging……practicing peace with change & loss, and preparing for our end. This is our challenge & our opportunity. Death & end-of-life is overmedicalized, according to the Lancet report on The Value of Death, which we will review. Holistic Aging guides are filling the gap, reshaping aging & end-of-life offering advocacy and care for those aging and in the last days of life.
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters.
Rochester Adult Community Education
Monday April 8 and 15, 2024, 6:30-8 PM
Make Your Health Care Decision;
Learn Why it’s So Important
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is a nationwide initiative that happens every April to encourage adults to plan in case of a health emergency. Learn why Advance Care Planning is important. A 2 part class. You can leave with your paperwork completed!
Rochester Adult Community Education
Mon March 6, 2023 6:30 PM
MortaliTea; Let's Talk About it!
We’re mortal, let’s talk about it, maybe with a nice cuppa tea, because living and dying matter. We'll have conversations to help reduce fear, shame, and avoidance associated with death, and offer opportunities to increase preparedness and peace of mind. Embracing our mortality, we may increase its transformative power to cultivate love, forgiveness and compassion in our daily lives. What is a Mortality Midwife?
Wed April 19, 2023 6:30 PM
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters. More and more choices are available as baby-boomers blaze a trail in the new dying movement. MN families now have increased choices since legislation was passed in 2010. Discover alternatives to the commercial funeral, and how to care for loved ones with an open heart and minimal environmental impact.
Rochester film Screenings!
Sat March 11, 2023, 9 AM - 12 noon
All are invited to a FREE screening & discussion of two films: “Living While Dying”, a fantastic film by Cathy Zheutlin, and “When My Time Comes,” a PBS film featuring journalist Diane Rehm. FREE! Coffee and snacks provided! Engage with others, ask questions, and plan. Sponsored by Compassion & Choices, MortaliTea, and the SE MN Threshold Network. Please confirm & reserve your spot HERE
WHERE: Peace Church (1503 2nd Ave NE, Rochester, MN 55906)
RSVP: Click or tap here to let us know if you can make it!
Mon March 20, 2023, 6:30 PM
What type of support is needed at end of life? What are the three phases of dying? How might I prepare for end of life for myself and my loved ones? Come to find answers and learn more about the death "positive" movement.
Monday April 10 and 17, 2023, 6:30 PM
Make Your Health Care Decision; Learn Why it’s So Important
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is a nationwide initiative that happens every April to encourage adults to plan in case of a health emergency. Learn why Advance Care Planning is important. Class includes completing an Advance/Healthcare Directive (also known as a living will) and appointing a healthcare power of attorney (someone to make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself). Then, most importantly, share your decisions with your family and loved ones.
Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:30 PM
MortaliTea; Let's Talk About it!
We’re mortal, let’s talk about it, maybe with a nice cuppa tea, because living and dying matter. We'll have conversations to help reduce fear, shame, and avoidance associated with death, and offer opportunities to increase preparedness and peace of mind.
Wed Nov 9, 2022 6:30 PM
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters.
Mon Nov 14, 2022, 6:30 PM
What type of support is needed at end of life? What are the three phases of dying? How might I prepare for end of life for myself and my loved ones? Come to find answers and learn more about the death "positive" movement.
Grab a Bubble-Tea, & join a conversation to discuss our Mortality
Sat August 6, 2022 at 11:15 AM to 1 PM
FREE, all welcome
Outside at Kung-Fu Tea, 1006 No. Broadway, Rochester, MN
Deah offers this free gathering to discuss our Mortality and all things related. What rights & choices do we have for end of life? What is the Death Positive movement? Bring your questions & experiences!
Mon March 7, 2022 6:30 PM
MortaliTea; Let's Talk About it!
We’re mortal, let’s talk about it, maybe with a nice cuppa tea, because living and dying matter. We'll have conversations to help reduce fear, shame, and avoidance associated with death, and offer opportunities to increase preparedness and peace of mind. Embracing our mortality, we may increase its transformative power to cultivate love, forgiveness and compassion in our daily lives. What is a Mortality Midwife?
Mon March 21, 2022 6:30 PM
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters.
Tues April 5 and 12, 2022, 6:30 PM
Make Your Health Care Decision; Learn Why it’s So Important
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is a nationwide initiative that happens every April to encourage adults to plan in case of a health emergency. Learn why Advance Care Planning is important.
Mon April 18, 2022, 6:30 PM
What type of support is needed at end of life? What are the three phases of dying? How might I prepare for end of life for myself and my loved ones? Come to find answers and learn more about the death "positive" movement.
Follow on Facebook
Free, all welcome
Tue Mar 22, 2022, 7 PM a special virtual conversation with artist, author & mandala-maker & ritualist Day Schildkret about his new book Hello, Goodbye, 75 Rituals for Celebration, Loss, & Change. Free, please preregister.
Sat Feb 5, 2022, 1 PM - Join a virtual conversation to discuss our Mortality. Free, pre-register for ZOOM
Thur Jan 13, 2022 - Writing an Obituary with Love, with Angela Woolsey
Tues Oct 19, 2021, 6:30 pm featuring attorney Jen Gumbel, creator of Organized (after)Life to discuss common misconceptions about estate planning.
Tues Sept 21, 2021, 6:30 pm End of life kits for home care. Natural burial in Rochester, MN.
Tues Aug 17, 2021, 6:30 pm Comfort & Care for Pet Loss. Home hospice care, ritual & ceremony for pet loss.
CALL (507) 289-1199 for more info
Live Green, Leave Green.......all about green/natural burial
with Deah Kinion Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:30 PM
Mortality; Let's Talk about it
Sat Sept 11, 2021, 10:30 AM,
FREE, all welcome! at Dunn Brother's Coffee
Doulas, Dying, & Transformation
Sat Sept 12, 2020
10 AM - 11:30 AM FREE, all welcome
Kung Fu Tea, 1006 N. Broadway, Rochester, MN
Come share ideas on comfort, care, & honor for our loved ones. Meet & visit with end of life Doulas in Rochester. Hear about efforts to find meaning, & possible transformation, as we navigate challenging times.
What's Green Burial? Live Green/Leave Green
Mon Apr 12, 6:30 pm or Sat Apr 24, 11 AM
Celebrate EarthFest 2021
Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters.
National Healthcare Decision Day
Annually April 16
Right after tax day, can't escape Taxes & Death!
This national day of observance exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning. NHDD is an initiative to encourage patients to express their wishes regarding healthcare and for providers and facilities to respect those wishes, whatever they may be.
Saturday January 18, 12:30 PM 2020
at People's Food Co-op, dining area, 519 1st Ave SW,
Rochester, MN
Deah offers the 1st of a series of monthly gatherings to discuss our Mortality and all things related. FREE, all welcome! Do you know about water cremation? green burial? home funerals? what are your choices? what is the Death Positive movement? What do I need to know? Bring your questions & experiences! Happy New Year! Let's do this! Live green/Leave green!
November 2019
November brings a wide variety of events as part of the 2nd annual community collaboration called Community Reflections on Living & Dying. This month of activities helps facilitate conversations and support national Hospice & Palliative Care month, Day of the Dead, Veterans Day, Eye Donation month and Thanksgiving - 'carve out' time to talk with your friends & family! Click on the image/link for a full schedule of events.
Here are links for additional information. Thank you for your interest!
MN Threshold Network Planning & Resources
National Home Funeral Alliance